Never before have we been so glad to say goodbye to a year! But we made it! We survived 2020 — and even more, we have been transformed by 2020. We have rooted down deep into the love of God. We have surrendered to our illusions of control, and we have been enlarged in the waiting. There have been some deep shifts within us. We have awakened more to what is true, what is good, and what is just in the world. And we have begun to dream about how to orient our lives around Love.
Every year, we do an annual examen. More than trite New Year's resolutions, we take some time for reflection, discernment, and reorientation. It is our practice as a community to look back over the past year and discern where the Spirit was at work. Where did we find joy? Where did we encounter sorrow? Where are we experiencing gratitude? What grief are we holding? What desires are pregnant within us?
Reflection is a powerful practice that enables us to live soulfully and intentionally. I encourage you to take some space — some hours or days — and allow God to speak to you about the Spirit's movement in your life.
May you encounter the Spirit deep at work in your life!